Friday, September 25, 2009

How will i start?

"How will i start writing in this blog?"

i'm not really into writing essays, stories, papers, etc.... but i guess blog was made for people like me... saying it all without rules and conditions, perfect expression of what i feel!!!

i want to share my passion and love for design and details that create a strong impact that gives beauty and style... reminding myself always where i belong and considering the big factor which is working on a "BUDGET".
I pray that these hands and talents that were given to me are my ways of serving and loving Him... i want to share...i want to help... i want people to have a beautiful place to stay and feel good about the way they live. i noticed everytime we dwell in a clean and nice place we want to maintain that factor and by doing so our attitude, behaviour, actions and lifestyle reflect the same. i want people to get inspired to uplift their lifestyle...
DESIGN and STYLE is not only for rich... we can have a beautiful room or house with some times without any cost!
i want to share little details and design that i've made through my 8 years of practice in design and decorating and hoping to bring more inspiration for a timeless living.

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